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Testimonials & Reviews

"My son has  progressed so much since joining this group. He has had so much to deal with and so much to learn again. Neuro Active UK has built up his confidence enormously and helped with social skills. He has made new friends and looks forward to going every week. Without the staff’s help and compassion my son would have struggled very much.”

Yvonne Betty

"Neuroactive is a place where I can be myself, no body judges you, everybody is looking out for each other. I don't know where I would be without this place.
Give in, Give up or Give it everything I've got."


"Some say that the days of miracles are over but I have seen miracle happen in front of me and experienced it happen to me all thanks to the amazing team at Neuroactive UK. The recovery from a stroke or brain injury can be a desperate time especially with our overworked and underfunded NHS who are desperate to clear beds in the hospitals. 
When I was discharged after my stroke, I was left alone to fend for myself apart from the twice weekly visits from the wonderful, hard working team from the Community Support workers. I was left feeling abandoned until I was introduced to the amazing team at Neuroactive UK. Who not only supported me through the inevitable depression following my stroke, but gave me new goals to aim for, I have increased my arm strength and the distance I am able to walk, which has done wonders for my confidence. To see people come in using a wheelchair and then being able to walk gives me the drive to improve myself.

I feel that the people at Neuroactive UK, clients as well as staff are a big friendly, supportive family that bring an extra dimension to my life and count myself incredibly lucky to be part of. I would like to see Neuroactive UK open branches all over the UK so the good they do can be spread over the whole country. I count myself lucky to be part of the Neuroactive UK family.

Thanks must also go to the businesses who support Neuroactive UK in the work they do and the volunteers who give up their valuable time to help, without which Neuroactive UK would not function."

David Kirton

"The support I have received from Neuroactive has positively impacted on all aspects of my life.

The shock of having a stroke effected not only my left side of my body but my confidence, communication skills, emotions and the ability to be sociable with anyone or any groups.

The team’s welcoming approach to all who attends is infectious. Any apprehension I felt soon disappeared.

They offer individual, planned work outs, physio, massage, counselling sessions to all and understand the importance of the need to be flexible regarding attendance. They know that there can be some days that are just difficult. Quite simply, that it’s ok not to be ok sometimes.

With their support I am now understanding and embracing everything that I have been struggling with. I am starting to smile and laugh again. My confidence is increasing and I am starting to take an active part in group sessions (even attempted badminton in the last session!!). Movement in my left side is improving which is increasing my ability to be more independent day by day.

Thank you all who work, volunteer and attend these sessions. You are all stars ️ and my inspiration to continue to get better every day"


I love NeuroActiveUk they have helped my mam so much and I can’t thank them enough to see her genuinely smiling again warms my heart. Thank you so much to each and every member of their team, every one of you do an amazing job.  Keep doing what you are doing, Improving lives. 

Lee Sherrif

5 Star Life changing support don’t know where we would of been without you. Forever grateful x

Jo McGuigan

I've been going to NAUK for the past 7 years they're like extended family! x

Sue Corke

Words aren't enough to express how grateful we are.  Keep doing exactly what you are. Awe inspiring.

Catherine Kirton

Best thing I’ve done is join NAUK they've really helped with my mental health as well as everything else.

Prentice Pearson

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